Cemetery records search

Please find the NEW online cemetery records search function below.

Surname: Given Name:
Year of Death: to

If you aren't getting the results you expect in your search try using the Surname without a Given Name.
Alternatively you can click on the appropriate cemetery image below to do a whole of cemetery search.

Disclaimer: Western Bay of Plenty District Council makes every endeavour to ensure the information in the cemetery database is correct, but accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed.
Our aim is to have correct information on the database. Please note that some cemetery data is over 150 years old.
If you have any additional information, or corrections to existing information, please feel free to send us the information with supporting verification to info@westernbay.govt.nz.
Please let us know if you experience any technical issues, using the new Cemetery Records Search mapi@westernbay.govt.nz.